Saturday, March 31, 2012

Syria is the Last Chance to stand up for democracy in the New Cold War.

Also found this comment by Jazmin Medina on Al Jazeera (see )

Russia and China are supporting Assad's tyranny in Syria because they are building a network of power that is fundamentally opposed to democracy. Their support of Iran with it's increasing influence in Iraq, is all about oil. Close diplomatic ties with Brazil and India (ie: BRIC countries) risks empowering politicians in these countries who want to undermine democracy (currently a very shaky concept in India). Elites in Western countries supported right wing dictatorships during the Cold War partly to enrich themselves. They believe the West won the Cold War. Wrong! They bankrupted Communist countries, while continuing their own colonialist reputation and breeding cynicism about their commitment to democracy.

This is now the New Cold War, where the anti democratic nations have ditched the revolutionary Communist rhetoric  (that is all it ever was) but now have enough wealth to buy their own foreign dictators (rather than funding would be revolutionaries). The Arab Democratic Uprising is the last chance for the West to redeem itself by supporting ordinary people in the region who are struggling for their dignity. People ask me "Why should we get involved, why can't the Arabs sort out their own problems?". The answer is that "This Is The Last Chance" if they only had the eyes, heart, brain and wisdom to see it.

Exactly on target !!!!

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